trust your gut, not your head — Chelli Pumphrey. Authentic Dating Coach.
Falling in love with someone is one of the most powerful feelings we can
experience as humans. You know the feeling…everything feels right in the
world. You feel happy, at ease, excited, and relaxed. Your literally high
on chemicals that your brain is releasing to help you attach to a partner.
However, that warm, happy feeling can sometimes blind us to relationship
red flags and get us into something that isn’t healthy. How can you tell if
your love high is preventing you from seeing the red flags in a partner?
Accept that Second Date...or Trust Your Gut? |
We’ve got a brand new blogger in the mix! Sara Eckel is the author of It’s Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons You’re Single. She’s amazing, and will be contributing to the eH blog several times a month. In her first entry, she writes about the gift that is our gut instinct. Should we always just follow …
The Importance of Trusting Your Gut (And Tips to Do It Right)
Many moons ago I fell very hard for a man who was very wrong for me. I was infatuated with him immediately and the symphony of warning bells was drowned ou
Yes, You Should Trust Your Gut (Here’s How)
Gut instinct, or intuition, is your immediate understanding of something; there’s no need to think it over or get another opinion—you just know. Your intuition arises as a feeling within your body that only you experience. Because the feeling is so personal, no one else can weigh
Always Trust Your Gut, Especially In These 10 Situations
As an only child, I grew up with two artistic and unconventional parents who were more like friends and who taught me to always follow my gut instincts no matter what. As a result, I’ve had no issues quitting a grad program after 6 weeks before it wasn’t the right fit for me, or cutting …
When You Feel Off About Dating A Guy, Trust Your Gut | YourTango
If you feel like something isn't right with a guy you're seeing, trust your gut and end it. Here's why your first instinct is always right.
Trust Your Gut: Why Dating With Your Instincts Will Help Your Love Life
Dating is a complicated game of chemistry.
Gut instincts in relationships. Always trust your gut. Follow your intuition
Gut instincts in relationships. I wish I'd heeded mine. My intuition told me my relationship with my ex was bad for me. Always trust your gut.
Sit back, relax and let your gut feeling guide your love life – SheKnows
"Trust your gut" isn't just a saying; it can really work.
Dating Don’ts: Why You Should Always Trust Your Gut
How many times have you been out with a foxy new someone only to have him do or say something that made your stomach lurch—and not in an I-wanna-make-babies-with-him-now way. Maybe he was nasty to your waiter. Perhaps it was more subtle—he snickered when you tripped or didn’t int
3 Times In Dating When You Shouldn't Trust Your Gut and What To Do Instead - BlackandMarriedWithKids.com
You meet a guy who’s great on paper and things are going well. He’s handsome, has a stable job, and by all accounts, seems like someone who has potential to be a great partner. You should be happy, but you can’t ignore this nagging feeling in your gut that makes you wonder if you can trust him. Is …