Nicole Kidman took home the Oscar for Best Actress during the 2003 Academy Awards. Kidman won the award for her role as novelist Virginia Woolf in the film "The Hours." Kidman's part of the film...
Nicole Kidman took home the Oscar for Best Actres during the 2003 Academy Awards. Kidman won the award for her role as novelist Virginia Woolf in the film "The Hours." Kidman's part of the film...
Australian-American actress Nicole Kidman has been honored with numerous accolades.[1] Among them, she has won five Golden Globe Awards, two Emmy Awards, a British Academy Film Award and an Academy Award.
^Certain award groups do not simply award one winner. They acknowledge several different recipients, have runners-up, and have third place. Since this is a specific recognition and is different from losing an award, runner-up mentions are considered wins in this award tally. For simplification and to avoid errors, each award in this list has been presumed to have had a prior nomination.
Nicole Kidman took home the Oscar for Best Actress during the 2003 Academy Awards. Kidman won the award for her role as novelist Virginia Woolf in the film "The Hours." Kidman's part of the film...
Nicole Kidman took home the Oscar for Best Actres during the 2003 Academy Awards. Kidman won the award for her role as novelist Virginia Woolf in the film "The Hours." Kidman's part of the film...
Australian-American actress Nicole Kidman has been honored with numerous accolades.[1] Among them, she has won five Golden Globe Awards, two Emmy Awards, a British Academy Film Award and an Academy Award.
^Certain award groups do not simply award one winner. They acknowledge several different recipients, have runners-up, and have third place. Since this is a specific recognition and is different from losing an award, runner-up mentions are considered wins in this award tally. For simplification and to avoid errors, each award in this list has been presumed to have had a prior nomination.