Atomic Physics - Encyclopedia
The study of the structure of the atom, its dynamical properties, including energy states, and its interactions with particles and fields.
The Physics Classroom - The Structure of Matter
There is a large overlap of the world of static electricity and the everyday world that you experience. Clothes tumble in the dryer and cling together.
BBC Bitesize - GCSE Physics - Atomic structure and Isotopes
Atoms have protons and neutrons in their nucleus and electrons in shells outside this. These three subatomic particles have different charges and masses.
Gordon Research Conferences - Atomic Physics
The Atomic Physics Gordon Conference has a long history of bringing together top researchers and future leaders in the fields of atomic, molecular, and optical physics, and of reporting exciting recent breakthroughs.
Atomic and Molecular Physics News, Photos and Videos - ABC News
Browse Atomic and Molecular Physics latest news and updates, watch videos and view all photos and more. Join the discussion and find more about Atomic and Molecular Physics at abcnews.
Quantum Physics - Science Daily
The latest in quantum physics from Science Daily.
Atomic Physics - Physics Department, Princeton University
The program in atomic physics involves work with simple atomic and molecular systems in the gas phase, at surfaces, and in solids.
Atomic Physics - Britannica
The scientific study of the structure of the atom, its energy states, and its interactions with other particles and with electric and magnetic fields.
Introduction to Atomic Physics - Atomicarchive
Introduction to Atomic Physics. Atomic energy is the source of power for both nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons. This energy comes from the splitting (fission) or joining (fusion) of atoms. To understand the source of this energy, one must first understand the atom.
Atomic Physics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Atomic physics is the field of physics that studies atoms as an isolated system of electrons and an atomic nucleus.