How Long Does "Typical" Divorce Recovery Take?
There are things you can do to impede your divorce recovery and things you can do to improve your recovery.
Deal So You Can Heal - 5 Steps to Grieving Divorce
Divorce can leave you hurt, resentful, raw and drained - all at the same time. Being no longer coupled, but not exactly.
Surviving Divorce - The Grieving Process
There are five stages to work through. These stages are not linear; you do not start at the first and progress through them in an orderly fashion. You cycle back and forth, and you can be in more than one stage at the same time.
Divorce and the Grieving Process
Conflict is reduced by appropriately addressing the grief and loss from the very beginning. Doesn't it therefore make sense that lawyers involved in the field of family law should have a better understanding of grief and loss?
The Seven Stages of Grief with Divorce
No-one's divorce is the same. We are all different and divorce will affect us in different ways. But whatever your situation and the circumstances.
Emotional Stages Of Divorce
The emotional stages of divorce are often more difficult to work through than the legal aspects of ending your marriage.
The Emotional Stages of Divorce
While attempting to manage your emotional recovery during and after divorce, give yourself a break. You will move through recovery at your own pace.
Grieving in Divorce - Divorce info
Grieving in Divorce - Divorceinfo.com
How to Work Through the Grief of Divorce
Grief is work, but it does a specific job, too. It's hard like any other kind of work, but it has a definite purpose, and it has an end. That's especially true about the grief of divorce.
4 Ways You MUST Grieve To FINALLY Get Over Your Divorce
You're not just mourning the loss of your spouse. You're feeling grief for the loss of your hopes and dreams. And it's all totally normal.
History of the Circus - PBS
A brief history of the evolution of the modern-day circus, including how it evolved from an equestrian show to an American-style three-ring extravaganza.
7 Steps To Overcome Your Divorce
Debra Warner, MS, MFT 0An emotional support system isn't all you need to get over your grief.