Down Syndrome: Causes, Types and Symptoms - Healthline
Down syndrome (sometimes called Down's syndrome) is a condition in which a child is born with an extra copy of their 21st chromosome (hence its other name, Trisomy 21). This causes physical and mental developmental delays and disabilities.
Down Syndrome, Topic Overview - WebMD
Down syndrome is a set of physical and mental traits caused by a gene problem that happens before birth.
Down's Syndrome - NHS Choices
Down's syndrome, also known as Down syndrome, is a genetic condition that typically causes some level of learning disability and characteristic physical features.
What Is Down Syndrome? - National Down Syndrome Society
Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21.
Down Syndrome - Kid's Health
Down syndrome is a condition in which extra genetic material causes delays in the way a child develops, both physically and mentally.
Down Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment - WebMD
Down syndrome is a lifelong condition in which a person is born with distinct physical features and some degree of cognitive disability.
Down Syndrome: Causes, Types and Symptoms
Down syndrome is the most common genetic condition in the United States. It causes physical and mental developmental delays and disabilities.
Down Syndrome - Mayo Clinic
Down syndrome - Comprehensive overview covers causes, risk factors and diagnosis of this genetic disorder.
Down Syndrome - March of Dimes
Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder that causes intellectual disability and other health problems. Get the facts on treatment options for your child.
Down syndrome Causes - Mayo Clinic
Down syndrome - Comprehensive overview covers causes, risk factors and diagnosis of this genetic disorder.
Down Syndrome Information Alliance - DSIA
The Down Syndrome Information Alliance provides support and resources to empower individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and our community.
Down's Syndrome: Signs of Down's Syndrome and Test. - Patient
Down's syndrome is a genetic chromosome problem. Someone with Down's syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21 in the cells of their body.
Down Syndrome Issues and Information
Down Syndrome Issues and Information is an extensive series of comprehensive reference resources examining issues for people with Down syndrome from birth to adulthood.