Cirrhosis of the Liver: Symptoms and Life Expectancy - eMedicine Health
Cirrhosis is a chronic (ongoing, long-term) disease of the liver. It means scarring to the normal liver tissue that keeps this important organ from working as it should. If the damage is not stopped, the liver gradually loses more of its ability to carry out its normal functions. This is called liver failure, sometimes referred to as end-stage liver disease.
Cirrhosis - PatientInfo
Cirrhosis is a serious condition where normal liver tissue is replaced by scar tissue (fibrosis). It tends to progress slowly and often does not cause symptoms in its early stages.
Cirrhosis - MedlinePlus
Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver. Scar tissue forms because of injury or long-term disease. Scar tissue cannot do what healthy liver tissue does - make protein, help fight infections, clean the blood, help digest food and store energy.
Cirrhosis (Liver) - MedicineNet
Cirrhosis is a complication of liver disease which involves loss of liver cells and irreversible scarring of the liver.
Cirrhosis - NHS Choices
Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver due to long-term liver damage. Find out what the signs and symptoms are, when to see your GP, and how it can be treated and prevented.
Cirrhosis of the Liver: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments - Medical News Today
Cirrhosis is an abnormal liver condition in which there is irreversible scarring of the liver. There are many possible causes for this condition.
Cirrhosis: Incidence, Symptoms, and Treatment - Healthline
Cirrhosis is the severe scarring and poor function of the liver caused by long-term exposure to toxins such as alcohol or viral infections.
Cirrhosis: Practice Essentials, Overview, Epidemiology - Medscape
Cirrhosis is defined histologically as a diffuse hepatic process characterized by fibrosis and the conversion of normal liver architecture into structurally abnormal nodules. The progression of liver injury to cirrhosis may occur over weeks to years.
Cirrhosis: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver and poor liver function. It is the last stage of chronic liver disease.
Cirrhosis - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Provides information about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, complications, and treatment of cirrhosis. This publication is also available in Spanish.
American Liver Foundation - Cirrhosis
The Web Site of the American Liver Foundation.
Cirrhosis of the Liver: Cirrhosis Signs and Stages - Medicine Net
Learn about cirrhosis of the liver symptoms including jaundice, fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite, itching, and easy bruising.
Cirrhosis - Mayo Clinic
Cirrhosis - Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment of this life-threatening liver condition.
Cirrhosis - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver does not function properly due to long-term damage. Typically, the disease comes on slowly over months or years.
Cirrhosis of the Liver Stages, Causes, Symptoms, Treatments - WebMD
WebMD offers a comprehensive overview of cirrhosis of the liver, including types, causes, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment.