Capital investments used to fund local business ventures. Individual and collective investors may have direct control over which startups and projects are funded or may delegate selection of startups and projects to a committee or board.
There are few sacred cows left in venture capital. When I started in early stage venture, founder liquidity/secondary, venture debt, unpriced rounds, party deals where no one takes a board seat.
In order to reduce the equity gap, 9 regional venture capital funds RVCFs have been formed in England to cater the needs of regional SMEs. Find more on Regional Venture Capitalists and their importance.
In this roundup, we have the dish on everything from regional venture capital and cyber security to building a firm that thrives in a dynamic tech market.
Guidelines for Regional Investment. - Projects are most successful when they are connected to a sensible regional strategy. The following framework and tool can help regions link and leverage assets in new and innovative ways.
There are few sacred cows left in venture capital. When I started in early stage venture, founder liquidity/secondary, venture debt, unpriced rounds, party deals where no one takes a board seat.
In order to reduce the equity gap, 9 regional venture capital funds RVCFs have been formed in England to cater the needs of regional SMEs. Find more on Regional Venture Capitalists and their importance.
In this roundup, we have the dish on everything from regional venture capital and cyber security to building a firm that thrives in a dynamic tech market.
Guidelines for Regional Investment. - Projects are most successful when they are connected to a sensible regional strategy. The following framework and tool can help regions link and leverage assets in new and innovative ways.