Zao Fox Village - Miyagi - Japan Travel
Located in the mountains near Shiroishi, there is a 'village' that is filled with over 100 animals and 6 different types of foxes. This 'Fox Village' is one of the best places in Japan to go and see foxes.
My Pet Fox (A final word on fox ownership.)
I've gotten a lot of emails from people who want foxes. They're beginning to pile up in my inbox and reading them gives me PTSD-style flashbacks of last year when my little bundle of joy first arrived at my house.
The Begining: Inform yoursef - The Pet Fox Blog
As you must already know, owning a fox is a tremendous job. So before any of you "wanna-be" fox owners purchase one, please, please, please, PLEASE inform yourself. A fox may not be the right pat for you.
Fox Trained Like Household Dog
These remarkable pictures show how young Siberian scientist Irina Mukhamedshina, 22, has trained a fox to be as obedient as a dog.
Pet Fox Care - Mystic Gardens Fox Rescue
Caresheets about proper handling of pet foxes.
The Pet Fox
A resource for new and prospective pet fox owners. Come visit for stories, tips, advice, and guides for training and caring for pet foxes.
The Fox as a Pet (Types of Pet Foxes)
Are you interested in getting a pet fox? Can a fox be kept as a pet? Find out here!
Fennec Foxes as Pets - Welcome to Critter Camp!
Fennecs are the smallest breed of fox in the world, and are native to the Sahara Desert in Africa. In the wild, they eat bugs, worms, and occasionally very small animals, such as baby birds, tiny lizards and occasionally fruits.
Would a Domesticated Fox Make a Good Pet? -Tails of Fort Collins
I admit it - having a domesticated fox as a pet seems like it would be pretty awesome. Their light, playful demeanor, beautiful fur and manageable size fit some of the key criteria of what I look for in a pet, not to mention they just seem so cuddly and fun.
Can I Have A Pet Fox? -Popular Science
They're a little unconventional, and they require a little bit of extra attention, but if you want a pet fox, you can have a pet fox. All you need is $8,000 and the approval of Kay Fedewa, the exclusive importer of domesticated foxes in the US.
Domesticated Silver Fox - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Wikipedia's information about the domesticated silver fox.