Kalahari Tent Tortoise - Namibia
A small tortoise found mostly in the Kalahari Desert area of southern Namibia.
Namaqualand Tent Tortoise
Similar to the Bushmanland tent tortoise, very little is known about the life history of this species, and few studies have been performed. Because they occur primarily in the winter rainfall parts of the Namaqualand region, it can be assumed that they would include a variety of succulent plants in their diet, especially during the drier times of the year.
Geometric Tortoise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The geometric tortoise is a critically endangered species of tortoise and one of three members of the genus, Psammobates. It is found in a very small section in the South-Western Cape of South Africa.
Turtle Conservancy - Geometric Tortoise Program
The diminutive Geometric Tortoise (Psammobates geometricus) is one of the world's most beautiful chelonians with its domed carapace and stunning egg-yolk and black radiating pattern. It is the Faberg Egg of the tortoise world. Fully grown, it reaches only five to six inches.
Psammobates Geometricus (Geometric Tortoise)
Find population statistics and information from IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.
African Tent Tortoise - Psammobates tentorius - WAZA
The African Tent tortoise is a highly polymorphic species. The carapace is compact, domed and the sides are rounded. The well defined starred pattern varies greatly and does not always extend to the plastron.
Tent Tortoises - Kidzone
The Serrated Tortoise is very unique-looking. It is often referred to as the geometric tortoise because of its neat shell patterns!
Geometric Tortoise - ARKive
The geometric tortoise, a medium-sized terrestrial tortoise, is the rarest of the three Psammobates species restricted to southern Africa.
Serrated Tortoise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The serrated tortoise, Psammobates oculifer, Kalahari-Strahlenschildkrote, is a species of tortoise that occurs in the Kalahari desert regions of southern Africa. Also known as the Kalahari tent tortoise, it is one of three members of the genus, Psammobates.
Tent Tortoise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The tent tortoise is a species of tortoise and one of three members of the genus, Psammobates. Known locally as the Karoo tent tortoise, this highly variable species is found in the Karoo and semi-desert regions of Southern Africa.