Thornback Ray - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia
Wikipedia's information about the thornback ray.
Malacoraja clavata (Thornback Skate)
Find population statistics and information on the thornback ray from IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
Thornback Skate - Raja Clavata - ARKive
Learn more about the Thornback skate with amazing Thornback skate videos, photos and facts on ARKive.
ADW: Thornback Ray - Raja clavata
Raja clavata shares its general body shape with all rays in that it is a flattened, disc shape with broad pectoral fins connected to the head and body with triangular pelvic fins at the base of the body. Raja clavata has a long, narrow tail that is roughly equivalent to the length of the body.
Thornback Ray: Elasmodiver
Apparently a common species in many bays in southern California but it is often in turbid inshore water where photography is difficult. Try hunting in shallow bays just beyond the surf line for the best chance at sightings.
The Thornback Ray - AquariumofPacific
There are three species of thornbacks but only one, Platyrhinoidis triseriata, is found in California where it is a native fish, often called the California or Pacific thornback. A thornback is a small to moderate sized inshore fish that, while distantly related to rays, is more closely related to guitarfish.
EOL - Thornback Ray (Raja clavata)
Descriptions and articles about the Thornback Ray, scientifically known as Raja clavata in the Encyclopedia of Life.
The Shark Trust - Thornback Ray
The aim of the Shark Trust's Thornback Ray Tagging Project is to investigate the population structure of Thornback Rays.
Thornback Ray - British Sea Fishing
Thornback ray are a highly prized catch for the shore angler, with many anglers happy to put great time and effort into fishing for this species.
Information about the Thornback Ray - Ecomare
The thornback ray owes its name to the numerous thorns on its back and tail. Nevertheless, the animal is not dangerous because the thorns are not poisonous.
MarLIN - Thornback Ray
A short-snouted ray with typical diamond shape and sharply angled pectoral fins approaching 90 degrees. The colour is variable, usually a mottled, blotchy brown to grey, with numerous small dark spots and yellowish patches.